A site dedicated to helping gays in the Philippines

Posts tagged ‘HIV Positive Philippines’

The Manila Gay Pride Parade, HIV and Sexual Immorality

On June 24, 2017 the annual Manila Gay Pride Parade was held.   This year the venue was Marikina City.  The parade appeared to be the largest gay pride parade ever held in the Philippines with possibly up to 7000 people or more participating in the march.  As usual,  the Gay Pride parade was said to be “celebrating love.”  But was the Manila Gay Pride Parade a celebration of love or was it actually a celebration of sin?  The reality is it was a celebration of sexual immorality.  Consider a picture from the parade:


This picture is from one of the floats that was in the parade.  It is actually an advertisement for an HIV test!  On a side note, notice beside the advertisement is an advertisement/logo of a well known “short time hotel” and we all know what often takes place in “short time hotels.”    Anyway, HIV/AIDS is a big topic among gays because the HIV rate is “booming” in the Philippines! For instance, in March of 2017, the DOH reports that an average of 30 new HIV cases were reported everyday (for a total of 968 cases in March)!  This was the highest number of cases ever reported since 1984! And how are these new HIV cases happening?  According to DOH, sexual contact remains the main mode of transmission with 942, most of which are from the male-having-sex-with-male (MSM) population with 820!  According to UNDP, the Philippines is one of only seven countries globally where HIV cases have risen by an alarming 25 percent or more since 2001.   The National Youth Commission in the Philippines says that HIV is now an epidemic among Philippine youth.

The HIV/AIDS rate is exploding in the Philippines and that is primarily taking place in the gay/MSM community.  It is taking place because gays continue to “sleep around” with just about anyone; anywhere.  The reality is sexual immorality is at the basic root of the HIV problem (and it is at the root of being a gay/homosexual).   And what is the “solution” offered by the gays and “Manila Gay Pride people” to this HIV/AIDS explosion?  Here is another picture from the Manila Gay Pride parade.


In this picture, you see a young lady sharing real love at the gay pride parade.   The lady is  wearing a sign which says, “Turn From Sin! Turn To Jesus.”  She wanted the LGBT community to know that God is not pleased with their lifestyle; that it is sinful and needs to be repented from. That is the truth and that is a message that the LGBT community needs to hear over and over again.  But now notice in the picture what that Gay Pride participant is doing.  He is offering the young lady a condom!  You see….the Manila Gay Pride Parade, HIV and condoms go “hand in hand.  “The “gay solution” to the huge HIV/AIDS problem in the Philippines is to promote more condom usage!   The idea promoted is kind of like this: “Have all the sex you want with whoever you want; but make sure you wear a condom!”  Yet the “condom solution” doesn’t seem to be working in the Philippines.  Condoms are cheap and available all over the place throughout the country; especially in the Manila area (where the HIV rate is the highest).  Yet, in spite of the “HIV Epidemic” gays still don’t seem to be using condoms.

Friends, the problem of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines is not due to a “condom shortage.”   HIV/AIDS is directly related to sexual immorality.  Of course some people get HIV from blood transfusions and some kids get HIV from their mothers (transmitted at birth).  But, as has been shown, the primary way that HIV is spread is through sexual immorality.  According to the Bible, God’s design for sex is for it to be between  one man and one woman married for life. The proper place for sex is in a lifetime, marital relationship between a man and a woman.  When you violate God’s standard, then you have problems and that is exactly what is happening with the HIV epidemic in the Philippines.

Friends, “being gay”  and sleeping around with other guys is a “sin issue.”  It is simply sexual immorality.  What was celebrated at the Manila Gay Pride Parade?  Love wasn’t celebrated there!  Sin and sexual immorality were the real objects of celebration!  Condom distribution…gays parading around half-naked…gyrating dancers on floats….HIV test promotion with the idea that if you use a condom; have all the sex you want….   Folks, sin is not something to be proud of.  It is something to be ashamed of.

I close this article with some quotes from a sermon or two by John MacArthur.  Although being a homosexual is a “soul damning sin”…..there is still hope for the gay!  Here then is the “bad news” and also “good news.”   For those who sincerely desire to repent and get free from the sin of homosexuality, please either contact me via text (numbers listed elsewhere on this blog) or find a Bible believing church near you that can help.  I would encourage you also to read the Bible and ask God to help you understand it.  Also, if anyone reading this is “HIV positive” and you need prayer/counseling (free and confidential) then you can contact me also.  Your sin might have brought HIV/AIDS into your life, but there is still hope and there are people (like me and others) that care.  Friends….here is the bad news and good news!


“Homosexual sin is nothing more or nothing less than a perverse sexual act, or acts…it is no more than that, it is no less than that. It is a perverse abnormal sexual behavior.”

“The kindest thing you could ever say to someone engaged in homosexual sin is it is a sin that will damn you and it will exclude you from the kingdom of God forever.  That’s the kindest thing you can say.  A proper diagnosis is absolutely crucial.  This is not a preferred sexual orientation.  This is not an alternate lifestyle.  This is not a genetic thing.  This is sin and perversion that damns men’s and women’s souls.”

“The massive movement to appease the guilt and to release lust unchecked, to free up homosexuals to live any way they want and to feel good about it by defining their blasphemous sexual conduct as nothing more than an alternative lifestyle is a damning thing.  ….. Homosexuality is an insatiable lust.  It is a drive that goes beyond anything that heterosexual people experience.  And these people are not only trying to justify their own lust, their unchecked, unbridled, insatiable desires, but they are trying to sell it to everybody else because then that becomes even a greater justification the more they can normalize it.”


“What I’m here to say is this.  This vile, wretched, wicked sin, like every other vile, wretched, wicked sin is forgivable by the grace of God.  That’s what I want to announce.  Jesus Christ died on the cross and in His body He bore the sins of homosexuality.  He bore in His own body our sins on the cross.  I don’t know if you ever thought about it like that, but think of the horror that He bore.  And He did it that He might redeem homosexuals.”

“But to receive that forgiveness, the sinner has to see what he’s doing as a sin.  And as long as we cover up the wretchedness and the sinfulness of it, we are aiding and abetting the damnation.”

“The church must, as the gate keeper, announce that.  We have to say to homosexuals, “If you continue that life pattern and you choose to live that way, you will have the door to the kingdom of God shut.  If you’re willing to repent, come to Christ for forgiveness, and be washed and cleansed, the door to the kingdom (of heaven) is open.”

Friends….that is the truth that gays need to hear and if you are a gay, you needed to hear and read that message!  Turn from your sin of homosexuality and surrender your life to Jesus now!  Amen!




Do You Need Help?


1. You are a homosexual or lesbian who just came across this site. You think that what you are doing is okay. You might even believe that you were “born gay.”  If that is how you think, then you are sadly deceived. You need to continue reading and check out some of the things on this site. It is not God’s desire or will that you remain a homosexual or lesbian.  There is hope for change through Jesus Christ.

2. You are struggling with Same Sex Attraction.  You know it is wrong, but you still struggle with it nevertheless.  There are many people like this.  You might even be part of  a Christian church!  You could even be a leader in a church!  Please text me, if you want help.  The cell number below is active as of June 2018.

3. You are an active homosexual (lesbian, etc) but deep inside you know that what you are doing is wrong. You feel guilty every time you commit homosexual acts. You are beginning to wonder if it is really okay to be a homosexual or lesbian.

4. You were molested when you were young by someone of the same sex – maybe even a relative of yours – and ever since then you have been having “sexual identity” problems and struggles.

5. On the outside you smile and you appear happy, but on the inside you are in turmoil because of your involvement in homosexual behaviors. Your friends think you are doing okay, but the truth is – you are not doing okay. You might even be suicidal because of your situation.

6. You have an addiction to pornography and you often look at porno on the internet or TV.  This could be gay porn or regular porn.  You are ashamed about what you do, but you can’t seem to control yourself.

7. You are HIV-Positive due to your homosexual activities. You feel really bad about it (your sexual sins that led to you becoming HIV-Positive and also your present situation as being diagnosed as HIV-Positive).  You wonder if there is any hope for you.

8. You are a transgender or transsexual but now you are beginning to see that what you did or are doing is wrong.  You need help but you are not sure where to go.

Friends, if any of the above describes you, then I want you to know there is hope and there is help available!  Through Jesus Christ, one can overcome homosexuality and same-sex attraction.  Through Jesus Christ a person can overcome pornography and other sinful sexual behaviors.  You can’t change the past (and the things you have done in the past), but through Christ there is hope for the present and the future! Change is possible through Jesus Christ! There is hope!  Don’t believe the lies of the “gay pastors” who say that “homosexuality is a gift of God.”  Don’t believe the lies of people who say that a person is “born gay.”  Friends, it is not God’s desire or will that you live a homosexual lifestyle.  It is not God’s will that you be hooked on pornography or other sexual sin.   Real change is possible.  If you want more information or even just someone to share with, please text me anytime at the numbers below.   Or e-mail me at the address below. Puede English o Tagalog. 🙂   I (Pastor Derek) am here to help you.  All help and counsel is free and confidential.  I will not “broadcast” your situation to other people.  The phone number and E-mail address are active as of October 2021.  If you are interested or need help, then just let me know.  Again, through Jesus Christ there is hope for change!

SMART – 910 – 936-1455  (Philippines)

E-mail: pastorderek@ymail.com

The Testimony of Pastor DL Foster: Ex-Homosexual

Over the past few years, through Facebook, I have become good friends with Pastor DL Foster. Pastor DL is a former homosexual who was transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You can hear his testimony on this video.

The Incredible Testimony of Stephen Black – Former Homosexual

Click the following link to read the awesome testimony of Stephen Black. Stephen Black was a former homosexual who was changed by the power of Jesus Christ. He now has a ministry reaching out to homosexuals. Through Stephen’s testimony you will come to understand that no one is “born gay.”  You will also learn of some of the factors that contribute to a person becoming a homosexual. I really believe this testimony will speak to many homosexuals from the Philippines. Basahin ninyo ito! 🙂 Please read this testimony. It will help you. Through Jesus Christ, you can change! No matter what you have been through in your life, there is hope for change in Jesus Christ!


Here is a link to a video with parts of Stephen’s testimony on it. In the video, Stephen shares about how he was sexually abused when he was a child and how that became a contributing factor to his entrance into the homosexual lifestyle.  It is likely that some of you that come across this blog have also been abused when you were younger. Watch this video and learn from Stephen’s testimony.

The Testimony of Ex-gay – Stephen Bennett

Stephen Bennett is a former homosexual – who was transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Stephen is living proof that homosexuals can change! Stephen mentioned some of the following things in an article:

“I am living proof that homosexuals can change, that no one is born gay. We need to equate homosexuality with that of drug addiction or alcoholism. They are destructive behaviors that we would never encourage people to continue a life in — we need to say the same exact thing about homosexuality.”

“Thank God for people like CBN and other organizations who are out there sharing that no one is born gay. And especially through the power of Jesus Christ people can change completely. I am happily married now today for over 10 years to a beautiful woman who knew me when I was gay, who was praying for my salvation. I no longer am living a lie. I was playing house with my boyfriend back then. I have the real thing today. I may not be the mostly masculine person in the world, but, you know what, I don’t need to be. I’m a man in God’s eyes, in my wife’s eyes, I’m the father of our two little beautiful children today. Jesus Christ has changed my life completely. He has taken a story that was a nightmare and turned it into a fairy tale and I am just so grateful to Him for doing that.”

“When I was living the gay lifestyle I portrayed that I was happy. I was in love with my boyfriend, had great gay and lesbian friends. But the problem with that was is that deep down I knew something was wrong. Again I firmly believe that no one is born gay, that homosexuality tragically happens early on in the childhood. For me it was a broken relationship with my father that was reconciled after I became a Christian. I love my father dearly, he loves me and I was able to move on from homosexuality to healthy heterosexuality. And what we want to share with men and women is when we go out trying to reach the homosexual for Christ — is that God loves them. The Gospel is the most important thing that we can reach these people with, so we need to let people know that God loves the homosexual but he hates the sin. And homosexuality is a sin in God’s eyes. And that is my heart’s desire. And I’m sorry but I’ve got tunnel vision on this issue. We want to reach the homosexual for Christ in America and make a difference in this country.”

Click the following link to read Stephen’s full testimony:


To visit Stephen’s website click this link:
